Hello Kitty, Bad Badtz-Maru


Sunday, January 2, 2011

happy new year~

being the first day of 2011, i decided to post something. i should have posted something anyhow cause my blog was being covered with a thick dust for about a month. 
:D my apologies :D

well let's see. 2010, there are good times and bad times. but it seemed like mostly are more towards the good...ones? yeah at least i think so. i'm not gonna post everything here since there's a LOT i'd been through like coming here to shanghai, was too much of an idiot while dealing with relationship matters, get to know a bunch of great and awesome friends, too much to list down and my final is coming very soon so i need to seize every minute from now to study. and by the way, those are my personal stuffs and it's meant to be private, at least i keep them very deep inside me =). 2010 was indeed a challenging year for me. parts were my fault, i admit and i know that today, mark the first day of 2011 (it's already the second day >v<), it's gonna be a brand new year and good year. i just know it will be. =)

i'll be good i promise! 
will study very very hard.

had been sulking for a long time already, december if not mistaken. but the problem with sulking is, i had to self-comfort again. bu~ 
i use the word had meaning i will be much better for this year! hmph. 

there are of course awesome memories as well  :D. but no matter those memories are bad or good, everything will be kept, treasured. i learn from mistakes and im still learning.

have hell much self-enrichment thingy to improve. i don't know what the hell im thinking these days but when i was about to snuggle to bed there's a lot of thoughts (A LOT!) running inside my mind. i wonder why my sleep is so challenging. =0= 

HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!! will update soon i guess? been busy with works and exams and assignments and different events and don't know what else. @.@ 

but one important thing is, 
i. am. going. back. very. very. soon.

okay, enough of wordy wordy post. haha

Enjoy your day to the fullest! :D


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