Hello Kitty, Bad Badtz-Maru


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's better to be kind than to be right

Alright, i think this is another lengthy post again.

This quote is from Kevin Tan, the CEO of Sunway Pyramid and Sunway Group of Shopping Malls. Yeah that's right he was talking about Dharma in the Kechara House, a buddhist organisation located in Petaling Jaya. My sis goes there every Sunday for their youth Manjushri class. I just went there for thier adult talk coz i'm an adult already ;D. 

Okay back to the topic, i thought i was just attending an ordinary talk delivered by a random person inside the house, but then when i realised that within the audiences there's different field of persons like doctor, businessmen, or people from the kechara media and publication, frankly i was amazed. Kevin shared the spiritual quotient and how he applys dharma to the workplace, most importantly how to deal with office politics. But overall most inspirative throughout his talk is in Maslow's dying bed, he said that the hierarchy of needs should be inverted. If one has had the self-actualization, everything is no longer a big deal, including our physiological needs. (Somewhat this is true but i think without the food how can we acquire our enlightenment? Guess i've still got a long long way to go.) Still Kevin shared some "Dharma-tic" contribution he's done and the way he thinks live should be, not to dominated by "the three poisons" which are greed, hatred and delusion. No one can say that you're wrong if you were trying to be kind or benefit others. I was amused by the way he talked and how he deals with his staffs. i hope to have a boss like him lah. Kevin is such a successful businessman and a lovable husband and father. He brings his family along every week.

I don't think i could explain all the things i've heard in this blog. By the way, i was feeling good and overwhelming after that. And when i was waiting for sis, one lady (Mdm. Hunney) approached me, that time i was staring at one of the charts at the house. She was being enthusiastic and explained the Samsara to me, for 15 minutes perhaps. So now i know there're 6 realms we're being through continuously just that we're so fortunate to being in the human beings realm. Just to be kind and stop committing sins that could likely lead us to the animal or hungry ghost even the dreadful hell realms. 

All i can say that this Kechara Organisation is unique. They involved different fields of people and so familiar with the Sanskrit hymns, it's so so so original and i like it. This is the first time for me to attend an english based Buddhism event. i kinda love them. 

This is important: Of course i know religion is kinda sensitive, but these are just my personal views, i'm not a missionary. Take it easy guys :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Holy crap, the long-gone feeling and my garnered experiences have been intruding myself these days. I seriously hoping that this is just a result from my everyday-slacking in the midst of my lovely summer break, causing me extremely free (not really) and think slightly beyond from ordinary views. It's like living at home, with parents who existed in a constant state of heightened paranoia about the increasingly dangerous place that Klang Valley (or Malaysia) had become. YEAH, I'm being PARANOIA. Praying hard and i seriously hope that. 

FYI, im back in Malaysia again. ;P everything is still the same except that the Bersih 2.0 fever and impact is still a hot issue, press and internet news are stuffed with them. It's a cool thing that i heard some of my friends are also involved inside. ;)

i have no idea how come i guffawed for so long. :D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

my goodness

i am left behind
and have so much stuffs to catch up.